Chapter 34 First Birthday Book Festival
Chapter 34 First Birthday Book Festival
We can’t quite believe it but this September is @chapter34books 1st Birthday!!! What a blast we’ve had.
Well you lucky lot, we have 20 events taking place, most of them are already on the website so you better get booking…they start on Saturday August 31st for 2 weeks.
You’ll find workshops with @moonlitworthing and @swigandweave, you’ll find author’s galore including…
Catherine Gray & Clare Pooley @unexpectedjoyof @clare_pooley
Araminta Hall, SJ Watson, Erin Young, Graham Bartlett & Davy Fennell @aramintahall @sj_watson @erinyoungauthor24 @gbpoliceadvisor
Ericka Waller, Frances Quinn, Joanna Glen, Vashti Hardy, John Bond… @erickawaller1 @franquinn21 @vashtiyahardy @iamjohnbond @joannaglenwriter
And LOADS more. There’s collaborations with @palate.bottleshop and @clubhousecoffees
There’s workshops with @moonlitworthing @flow_with_fran and @swigandweave and our very own @read_it_kids
We also have a @higgidy event AND The Great British Bakes Off @januszbakes