The Universe Saves The Day (Year!)

The Universe Saves The Day (Year!)

Hello lovely NS friends,

Just wanted to drop in before the crazy starts, we have 3 full days left of trading under the roof of dream artists so getting near a screen will be hard pushed.

Soooo, if you follow our social media you will have heard that 2 weeks ago we were offered a temporary store while we wait for the dream Neighbourhood Store, Canteen & Venue to become available.

It's so close we won't even need a van, just a line of NS family to pass it over the road.  I know, right!

So, we get the keys to our new POP-UP on 8th Jan and we are safe there until the end of April 2024.  There is a potential to extend the time if need be but as we will be downsizing for the POP-UP the need to move on will be strong.  Though we are excited to re-create NS in a different space, honestly cannot wait.

The time is most certainly here and jeez, it's been a LONG time coming.

Though our last day of trading under this roof is Saturday 23rd Dec 2023 we actually are still in lease until 15th January 2024, which is when we hand it back to the new landlord ready for the next lucky business to open in this glorious space we have called home for 5 years.

Alas we will still be paying a 'premium' rent while we pack up here and move over the road. Unfortunately, ;financially' there will be a few cross-over days of renting 2 x store and original NS will be sitting empty. We are totally not cool with it being unused/ wasted money sooooooo we have offered the space to some wonderful people folk in our community to make use of it.

We highly recommend you SIGN up to our mailing list to be the first to hear what we've got planned.  It's pretty cool and you'll need to be in the know to get in on it.

Therefore, we will save the completely soppy posts etc until the official TOTES EMOTIONAL goodbye to original NS which is actually Sunday 14th Jan 2024.

Then NS POP-UP opens Feb 2024.

So there we go, it all just came together at the last minute.

Thank you to everyone who has listened to us going on and on all year., to those that have asked and really cared. It certainly has installed a new enthusiasm in us both to push on to the next episode so honestly, thank you!

Last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas/ holiday/ break and that you get to slow right down and spend it with loved ones, because that friends is what it is all about. (And getting cool gifts from local artists from here obvs!)

So, believe it always, the universe always comes good.

Biggest LOVE

Em & Gary aka Saturday Boy

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