Help Get the One Bum to Pictoplasma in Berlin!

Help Get the One Bum to Pictoplasma in Berlin!

One Bum Cinema Club has been invited to Europe's largest animation festival Pictoplasma.

Here's a message from Paulie & Matt, the brains behind it all.


This is a great opportunity for our project... but we need some help to get there! 

What is the One Bum and what do we do?

One Bum Cinema Club is a tiny shed-like structure with a single cinema seat, a projector and a changing programme of showreels featuring both established and emerging animators from around the world. 

On the one hand it’s a very simple concept and a bit of fun.

On the other hand it’s an immersive experience for the visitor, as well as a platform for animators to showcase work that would otherwise go unseen by the general public. 

We love to appear in public spaces, providing chances for regular people to discover animation in unexpected places such as local libraries, taprooms, clothing stores, art centres and galleries. And visiting us is always free!

Why do we want to go to Berlin?

Pictoplasma is Europe's largest animation festival and a huge opportunity for our little cinema to be discovered by the industry. It also means we can take work there by artists that haven't yet had the opportunity to show their work at the festival, giving them a chance to be discovered too. 

What do we need to raise money for?

Well, we need to hire a van, book a ferry, pay for fuel and find some accommodation for the week-long festival. If we do make it there, we will use this opportunity to help raise our profile as a platform for animators at future events.

You can donate either in-store or via their Crowdfunder.

Biggest thanks to you all!

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